Виставка Інше South African 4x4 & Outdoor Show

01 вересень 2023 - 01 вересень 2023
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Про подію
South African 4x4 & Outdoor Show is a jam-packed event of high quality and sets the benchmark in the 4A—4 & Outdoor industry in SA. This is a very unique show that offers live entertainment on stage in our beer garden, stunts, and various vehicle-, bike- and quad bike demonstrations. Plenty for the kids to do, a brand new art- and craft market (using only approved exhibitors), and a great variety of pre-approved food stalls. Come and experience this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, packed with entertainment around every corner, brought to you by the South African 4x4 & Outdoor show.
Місце проведення
Адреса: Voortrekker Monument, Pretoria, Південна Африка
Місце проведення
Voortrekker Monument, Pretoria, South Africa