Bộ lọc

Sự kiện New london, Hoa Kỳ 2023

2 events

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The hotel's room rate for the MWSA block of rooms is $103.00, inclusive of all taxes. Due to the absence of elevators, the hotel is reserving first-floor rooms for us. If you are comfortable with using stairs, please inform them and they will assign you a second-floor room. New London, situated at the mouth of the Thames River in Connecticut, is a seaport city and port of entry in the United States. It is home to various educational institutions and the Coast Guard facilities. To offer your assistance for a presentation, mentoring a fellow MWSA author, or helping during the conference, kindly utilize the provided form.
An annual conference for business managers, technology professionals, HR directors, facilities directors, risk management professionals, heads, and senior-level school administrators focused on business, operations, and technology.