Loại sự kiện
Meals on Wheels America Annual Conference and Expo is the leading platform supporting community-based programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger. It is an annual convening of senior nutrition program leaders from across the country for hyper-relevant and immersive learning, inspiring keynotes, and stimulating networking designed to connect, align and reinvigorate this powerful and passionate network.
Mid-States' industry trade shows, known as the "Rendezvous," are held twice a year and are among the largest in their kind. Suppliers and members gather for buying, selling, food, and fun. Mid-States also offers smaller, category-specific shows. Contact a Category Manager for more information.
Utilities are facing constant challenges and it’s often a major task to get early adopters on board. What is the Smart Utility Summit? The Smart Utility Summit offers an opportunity for IOU’s, Municipalities and Rural Cooperatives across North America to connect with the industry's leading and most promising Vendors. The Summit also provides Utility Professionals an opportunity to network with their peers and share opinions, strategies and solutions for success. The Smart Utility Summit invites 100-120-plus C-level Utility Executives of Municipal/Rural Electric Distribution/Investor Owned Utilities from across the United States. The Smart Utility Summit is a unique event that brings together an exclusive group of 100-plus Utility Executives and 45-plus industry-leading Vendors. The Summit provides one-on-one exposure to utility executives wanting to hear solutions and ready to meet vendors who can provide them.
The Annual Arizona Parks and Recreation Association Conference & Expo is the premier education, networking, and exhibition event where we celebrate and educate Arizona's park and recreation professionals. Our event draws a variety of participants, including park and recreation professionals, elected officials, and commission members from across the state of Arizona and our western counterparts. We are excited to offer more sponsorship packages, new member engagement opportunities, and a larger two-day exhibit hall featuring extended hours. Connect with members who share a passion for the parks and recreation industry.
Quảng cáo, Tiếp thị, In
Nông nghiệp
Kiến trúc
Làm đẹp, Thời trang, Quần áo, Mỹ phẩm
Kinh doanh, Tài chính, Ngân hàng
Văn hóa nghệ thuật
Thiết kế, Quà tặng, Nội thất
Điện tử, hàng điện tử
Thực phẩm, đồ uống, bao bì
Chăm sóc sức khỏe, Dược phẩm
Sở thích, Thủ công mỹ nghệ
Khách sạn, Nhà hàng, Dịch vụ ăn uống
CNTT, Thương mại điện tử
Đồ trang sức, hàng xa xỉ
Trẻ em, đồ chơi
Phim, Rạp hát, TV
Âm nhạc, khiêu vũ
Phát triển cá nhân, Tâm lý học
Đầu tư bất động sản
Sự an toàn
Khoa học, Giáo dục, Phát minh
Xã hội, Chính trị
Vận tải, Logistics
Du lịch, Giải trí, Thư giãn, Thể thao
Công nghiệp hóa chất, nhựa và cao su
Hội chợ thương mại tiêu dùng
Tiết kiệm năng lượng, Bảo vệ môi trường, Sinh thái, Thanh lọc, Sử dụng
Ngành sự kiện
Thiết bị công nghiệp, Dụng cụ, Điện tử
Chế tạo máy, Luyện kim, Gia công kim loại, Hàn
Sự kiện đa ngành
Dầu khí, Khai thác mỏ
Triển lãm thương mại trực tuyến
Năng lượng, năng lượng
Sự kiện hàng đầu