Bộ lọc

Sự kiện Khác Thái Lan Tháng Tám 2023

3 events
Thailand's first pet products and services exhibition that has been popular with Exhibitors and visitors more than 20 years with activities that respond. following the lifestyles of pets and pet lovers, with the event collecting products complete with food, snacks, equipment, pharmaceuticals, supplements, shampoo, clothes, accessories, hotels, hospitals and others.
Thailand's only Specialized International Electric Vehicle Exhibition and Conference."Electric Vehicle Asia is a specialized exhibition and conference in Thailand that aims to create a network for electric vehicle development and provide a platform for industry experts to share knowledge. It will showcase manufacturing solutions, technology, and infrastructure related to power conversion systems and is supported by the government and major automotive manufacturers.
A Best Session Paper will be chosen from each oral session and awarded a Certificate for Session Best Papers at the 5th International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering, Technology and Natural Resources (ICASETNR-17). It is important to consider nature and coexist harmoniously with it in addition to focusing on communication science.