Loại sự kiện
28 Thg 8 2023
Stringology is a part of algorithmic research that deals with the processing of text strings. It has existed for at least thirty years and developed into a respected subfield of its own. The last twenty years have produced an explosion of new results. This progress is due in part to the human genome effort, an area to which string algorithms can make important contributions. String processing extended into tree processing is called arbology.
28 Thg 8 2023
The International Symposium on Polyelectrolytes is a biennial event that has been held since 1995, bringing together researchers from various fields to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration in the study of charged macromolecules. This field connects chemists and physicists from academia and industry.
28 Thg 8 2023
05 Thg 9 2023
06 Thg 9 2023
One submitted paper will be chosen for presentation in the plenary session, with the author receiving free conference access and accommodation. Authors of accepted papers are encouraged to submit improved versions to Radioengineering, with at least 30% new content.
11 Thg 9 2023
The conference brings together researchers studying plant genomes, with a focus on the structure of plant chromosomes and genome dynamics. Scientific discussions will cover chromosome engineering, advanced chromosome biology, and plant breeding. On the second day, there will be a program at the Mendel Museum, including a guided tour and a talk about Mendel's life and current research. The last day, a committee will select the best lecture and poster, which will be awarded a prize.
13 Thg 9 2023
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the 9th international conference CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN FOODS IX (CRF 2023) in Prague. This event follows a successful series of meetings held in Prague from 1992 to 2017 under the auspices of the Food Chemistry Division, EuCheMS. The main focus of CRF 2023 is Chemistry & nutrition science beyond smart food designing. EuChemS, along with the Organizers (University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic; University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy; and Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands), considers the study of chemical mechanisms in foods to be strategically important, as it continuously leads to new knowledge in various areas of food science. We welcome mechanistic research, applied researchers, predictive science, reactions elucidation, and studies on model foods. Please save the date for the Chemical Reactions in Foods IX conference. We are excited to see you in Prague in September 2023.
13 Thg 9 2023
The conference is divided thematically into four sessions that will address the key challenges for commanders, planners and decision makers in the coming years, influenced in particular by the advent of new technologies. Challenges of modern air training and system solutionPilot recruitment - A major challenge for the Air ForcesChallenges of modern air training and system solution - National viewsIndustry engagement in future Air Force personnel training
19 Thg 9 2023
19 Thg 10 2023
The conference is summoned to discuss pressing problems of protection and welfare of farm animals, companion animals, experimental animals and wild animals, including animals in zoological gardens and handicapped animals.The conference is addressed to governmental authorities, breeders, veterinarians, scientists, teachers, private sector and non-profit NGOs and anybody who is interested in animal protection and welfare.