
Мероприятия Madrid, Испания 2023

25 мероприятий




Knowledge, Innovation and Enterprise Conference has been going on for more than a quarter of a century. An important goal of the conference is to provide a common, fertile global platform for practitioners and subject experts in the fields of knowledge, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship to cross-fertilise ideas and provide insights into emerging issues and challenges of our time. Add this to the KIE conference innovations – the eight in-filled events, E. Paul Torrance International Roundtable on Creative Thinking, Reisman Diagnostic Creativity Assessment Special Interest Group (RDCA SIG), the World Education Fellowship Annual Centenary Lecture, Global Comparative & International Education Forum Roundtable, Kaufman Family Research Symposium, Research Student Workshop & Clinic, PUSH For Success Workshop, and Big Data Analytics & E-Business Symposium.
Surveying Recent Outbreaks, Technologies and Research in Infectious Disease Treatment"The Conference Series CME accredited. World Blood Summit on “Hematology and Infectious Diseases" will be held in physical mode on July 31-August 01, 2023 in Madrid, Spain with the theme "Surveying Recent Outbreaks, Advancements, and Technologies in Infectious Disease Treatment and Research," along timely keynotes, oral presentations, poster sessions, and exhibitions. CME Accredited Blood Disorders 2023 includes Hematology, COVID-19, Malaria, Microbial Diseases, Hematology, Hematology Oncology, Hematology, Immunohematology, Hematology: Diagnosis and Treatment, Clinical and Laboratory Hematology, Hematology Science, Pediatric Hematology, Hematology Nursing, Stem Cell Research, etc.
International Conference on Economics, Management and Social Study is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.
JEMS will take place in a hybrid format, both online and onsite in Madrid, Spain. There will be five oral sessions held simultaneously to encourage interaction. The symposia, chairs, and invited speakers are listed below. Onsite poster sessions are an integral part of JEMS, allowing for in-depth scientific discussion and brainstorming. The poster sessions are independent and not held concurrently with other sessions. The JEMS International Advisory Committee (IAC) has undergone partial renewal, with seven new members joining and gratitude expressed to those who have completed their term.
04 сент. 2023
The EuCOMC is organized every second year and has a now long standing tradition as an exchange platform for all aspects of organometallic chemistry and its applications. We intend to provide a valuable platform for scientific discussions as well as a stimulating meeting place encouraging a close partnership between delegates from academia and industry. Developments, achievements and prospects in all fields of organometallic chemistry will be presented in plenary presentations by distinguished and by young scientists, keynote lectures, as oral communications and posters in various sections.
06 сент. 2023
Eighth International Conference on Communication & Media Studies, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain (September 06 - 08, 2023). Founded in 2015, the Communication & Media Studies Research Network offers an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of the role of the media and communications in society. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries. As a Research Network, we are defined by our scope and concerns and motivated to build strategies for action framed by our shared themes and tensions.
12 сент. 2023
The Global Mobility Call aims to create a Sustainable Mobility Ecosystem by connecting key stakeholders and fostering the development of innovative business models and public-private initiatives. It will provide a comprehensive and coordinated approach, incorporating technological, social, economic, environmental, and regulatory aspects. The event will also encourage growth and the establishment of new business models through the involvement of European public-private collaboration projects aligned with the European Recovery Plan.
12 сент. 2023
International Road Safety & Equipment Exhibition"Trafic facilitates the discovery of sustainable mobility solutions that benefit all citizens. It serves as a meeting point for companies, public/private organizations, and industry associations to discuss proposed solutions.
13 сент. 2023
INTERGIFT is a professional fair for the gift and decoration industry in Spain and Portugal. It offers sales, promotion, and marketing opportunities, as well as acting as a meeting point for supply and demand. The fair is held twice a year.
14 сент. 2023
"International Jewelery and Accessories Show"Bisutex is a trade fair organized by IFEMA MADRID that showcases national and international companies and brands in the costume jewelry and accessories sector. It features high-quality collections, Archis spaces for avant-garde designs and Minis for young designers. The fair offers a wide range of products including jewelry, watches, bags, belts, and more.
15 сент. 2023
MOMAD is a fashion exhibition for buyers and shop owners worldwide, showcasing the latest trends and styles for all ages and occasions, including clothing, footwear, and accessories.
19 сент. 2023
C! Print is an innovative and dynamic show aimed at professionals in the graphic industry, visual communication, and customization, with genuine content spaces that provide true added value to the visitor. It will bring together the main players in the visual communication, printing, and personalization sector, and also the new members of a constantly growing market like the creative industries: specialists in communication and marketing, decorators, retailers, interior designers, architects, and designers.
20 сент. 2023
Wholesale World Congress is a comprehensive industry event with participants from various sectors of the Wholesale Telecom Industry. To ensure attendee safety during the pandemic, we have implemented health and safety measures including face masks, social distancing, temperature checks, and enhanced hygiene protocols.
International Trade Show for the Fruit and Vegetable Industry"Fruit Attraction is a commercial platform for the global trade of fruits and vegetables. It connects professionals across the value chain and fosters innovation in the industry.
GREX World Congress is an annual fair showcasing robotics and technological innovation, co-organized by IFEMA MADRID and Disruptivo Shows Group. The event focuses on AI, robotics, IoT, XR, and industrial metaverse. Attendees can engage with experts, do business, and access the new LIVE Connect Community.
I am impressed with Fyuz and the balance of work and technology with great food. Open RAN is a hot topic at industry events, where people discuss the concept of "openness" beyond just Open RAN. There is a lot of collaboration and problem-solving, rather than just sales.
Recycle Today for A Better Tomorrow"The highly anticipated "World Recycling Convention" (Recycling Week 2023) is set to be held in the vibrant city of Madrid, Spain, from October 23 to 25, 2023. This prestigious event will bring together a diverse range of passionate researchers, including recycling specialists, environmental engineers, recycling experts, wastewater treatment researchers, climate experts, scientists, environmentalists, industry delegates, and other related professionals from around the world. With its theme of " Recycle Today for A Better Tomorrow," the convention aims to provide a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration.The Recycling Week 2023 edition serves as a hub for experts in the recycling industry, encompassing organizations involved in recycling, waste management, and renewable energy. It offers a unique opportunity for participants to discuss the latest advancements in the field, fostering innovation and promoting sustainable practices.
The World’s Largest Pharmaceutical Exhibition"CPHI Barcelona is a part of Informa PLC's Informa Markets Division. Informa PLC is the owner of this site and holds the copyright. Registered in England and Wales, with the registered office at 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG.
29 нояб. 2023
Expofoodservice is a renowned event for the Horeca industry, uniting leading catering operators and suppliers for networking and business opportunities.
Индустрии Реклама, маркетинг, полиграфия Сельское хозяйство Архитектура Красота, мода, одежда, косметика Бизнес, финансы, банки Культура, искусство Дизайн, подарки, мебель Электроника, электротовары Еда, напитки, упаковка Здравоохранение, фармацевтика Хобби, ремесла Гостиницы, рестораны, кейтеринг IT, электронная торговля Ювелирные изделия, Предметы роскоши Дети, игрушки Кино, театр, ТВ Музыка, танцы Другое Личностный рост, психология Недвижимость, инвестиции Безопасность Наука, образование, изобретения Общество, политика Транспорт, логістика Путешествия, развлечения, досуг, спорт Химия, пластик, резина Потребительские ярмарки Энергосбережение, экология, очистка, утилизация Евент-индустрия Промышленное оборудование, инструменты, электроника Машиностроение, металлургия, обработка металла, сварка Кросс-тематические мероприятия Нефть, газ, полезные ископаемые Онлайн-выставки Энергия, энергетика Топ-мероприятия